Correspondencias(Dibujos solares, gestos y proposiciones)  / Correspondances (Solar Drawings, gestures and propositions)

Los visitantes estaban invitados a quitarse los zapatos y entrar a la habitación, caminar, jugar con las líneas o descansar de acuerdo con sus necesidades. Por cinco días la pieza funcionó como un sitio de encuentro, una arena para involucrar el cuerpo, el dibujo, el cuarto y el afuera a través de la acción.

2021, dibujo/instalación (guata, flieselina, estambre de lana, hilo metálico) 88m2

The audience was invited to take off their shoes and enter the room, walk, play with the lines or rest according to their needs. For five days, the piece worked as a site of encounter, an arena to engage the body, the drawing, the room and the outside through action.

2021, drawing/installation (wadding fabric, vlieseline, yarn, metalic thread) 88m2

‘It is unknown to me where the words come from and how they assemble themselves on the page, how they reorganize their parts and join into meaning. They do as they please.

But since the dislocation of days, words have slowly disappeared and there’s not much to tell you using them. For the past year i’ve kept in touch within short and long distances by raising my arms in silence. In the absence of the day and the night and a lack of vowels under my tongue my sounding voice has become a long and steady whistle that does not call but uses itself to locate its areas of contact.

All that is left and that which has been built remains in the room. There is a room of space for the desire to spin, and to lay and to whistle. To play lines that continue, regardless of outlines, to the underground, to the atmosphere. A room to speak to and speak in mute sounds. For the tracing of blind, bland lines.’